Recognized as one of the most prolific Thai urban planners in his generation, Apiwat Ratanawahara will discuss multiple challenges facing the futures of Thai cities in the next two decades. These challenges include population aging, foreign migration, economic integration with other Southeast Asian countries and China, large-scale infrastructure investment, and political, as well as administrative decentralization. The particular attention will be paid to the social and spatial implications of such trends, as well as the prospects for urban planning and advocacy in the country. Chaired by: Hue-Tam Ho Tai, Kenneth T. Young Professor of Sino-Vietnamese History, Harvard University; With Introduction by Bish Sanyal, Ford International Professor of Urban Development and Planning, MIT, and Director of SPURS/HUMPHREY program, MIT; Discussants: Rahul Mehrotra, Chair of the Department of Urban Planning and Design, and Diane E. Davis, Professor of Urbanism and Development, Harvard University Graduate School of Design Professor Apiwat Ratanawaraha teaches courses in urban planning and development, land policy and management, and technology and innovation policy at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand, where he is a professor of in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning. He also teaches Energy and Infrastructure Technologies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Apart from receiving numerous prestigious scholarships, grants, and research grants, he has served as a consultant and expert to both national and international development organizations. Ratanawaraha was a Harvard-Yenching Institute Doctoral Scholar (2000 - 2003) and Research Fellow in Science, Technology, and Globalization at the Belfer Center for Science ad International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School (2005 - 2006). He received his B.Eng. from Tokyo University, M.Phil. from the University of Cambridge, and M.C.P. and Ph.D. from MIT.